Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welcome spring

I finally planted a few plants on the deck and it feels very spring like...tho
not so much in the morning when everything is covered in frost.

Today I called in sick to stay home with the boys, my mom (my usual wednesday gal)
is still sick but hopefully getting better. We had a fun time going to the park. Parks are wonderful places
for the kids to play and the parents not to worry too much. I still spend a fair amount to time following Luke
around to keep him from falling and putting his hat back on. It is nice to see Jack able to play with out any help at all.
He can jump from amazing heights and Luke just looks at him with envy.

I have to ply them with sun screen cuz they are the most fair, pale white little boys. The weather is really warm and the sun bright. On the way home Luke was so tired he didnt eat lunch and passed out in the car and has been sleeping for 3 hours which is good cuz I have been working from home.

It is a much nicer place to be then at work!
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