Sunday, March 1, 2009


This is a little late, but I wanted to publicly say what I am giving up for lent so you all can hold me accountable!

I am giving up desserts...only the kind after dinner. Loren gave me a cupcake that he kids had made in their cooking class and instead of turning it down, I waited till the next day and had it as a post breakfast treat! Yummy nutella cupcake with colorful sprinkles inside!

I am also giving up fast food french fries. We have been taking Jack to McD's to get a happy meal a little too often. He LOVES them, tho he doesnt eat a whole lot of it. He seems to like the idea of a happy meal and toy. We are going to try and not go anymore, but sometimes you just need a really fast meal in the car and dont have time to make one at home. I love their frenchfries... and really do not need to eat them if I ever want to get back to my pre-preg weight...or at least closer to my pre-preg weight. So if we do fries for me.

When is lent over?

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