Monday, July 16, 2012

Play ball, round 2

We took the boys mini golfing for the first time, and they loved it, despite the 90 degree heat!
(have you noticed a theme in these posts about the weather?!  It has been unbearably hot except for the last day which is cold and rainy!)
We did have to keep telling Jack not to swing so hard! He almost killed me a few times!

Anyway, it was hot, but so much fun!
I can't wait to do more mini golf with the boys in Santa Cruz and by my Dad's house!

We didn't keep score and they balls go a bit mixed up, but I do think that all of us got at least one  hole in one! And after, we cooled down by playing skee ball!
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1 comment:

Gramma Glor said...

thanks for the happy memories loved seeing the pictures we had a great time with the boys my view from the kitchen window is not the same these days however we do have a "crop circle" in our back lawn - wonder where that came from ha ha

Love grama honey