Monday, May 10, 2010

Baking with Luke

Last week was teacher appreciation week but with everything going on (death in family and loren's 3 day trip with his 3rd graders)
I was not up for it. But now I am.

Luke and I made Good-For-You Blueberry Muffins by Ellie Krieger.
I had made them before for Jack's birthday and they are delicious.

Luke was an excellent helper.
I guess because it was just him with me.
(Jack was at gymnastics with Uncle Bill)
It was much easier then last time the 3 of us tried to make cookies.
Or, maybe just because Luke is bigger with strong muscles as he would say!

Now we are ready to appreciate the teachers with yummy muffins!
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Anonymous said...

Who died Stace? Loves J.

Grandma Knabb said...

Luke is in his element in the kitchen. The muffins look great.