Monday, March 8, 2010

More sick luke

Guess who ended up in urgent care yesterday where they debated sending us to the hospital.
This picture is actually a very peppy one of him.
After much time at the clinic with chest xrays, some other breathy thing it was determined that he has Pneumonia.
We are on lots of meds and an inhaler every 4 hours...we are all also sick and very, very tired.
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Grandma Knabb said...

He looks so frail. Is that the thermametor he is holding? Hope you all feel better soon.

Gramma Glor said...

Poor little Lukie. Wish I could come and hold you and give you lots of kisses. Get really, really better very, very soon. I love you very much. Mommy and Daddy and Jack - I wish I could hug you too.

Anonymous said...

Poor Baby. He looks miserable. Hope he is back to his wild and crazy self very soon. Loves J