Sunday, January 16, 2011


Well, I haven't been feeling very bloggie lately.
I forget my camera or we just aren't doing anything new.
Just trying to keep the boys active and fed, work and sleep, then do it again the next day.
We went to the wharf last weekend (I forgot my camera) and it was a beautiful day and the sea lions were plenty.
(Luke doesn't like the sea lions...he says they are too loud. He is a pretty fearless kid, so it is surprising that he is so afraid of spiders, dark, thunder, loud animals, I'm realizing that he is only afraid of things that he can not control. He is fine climbing the tallest part of the play ground, flinging himself off a high ledge, whacking Jack, but spiders no way)
Anyway, I may be posting less on the blog, waiting for inspiration ...
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