Saturday, September 26, 2009

3 days

3 day, 60 3rd graders, 30 parents, and 3 teachers...oh my.
Loren went on the annual beach trip with his kids.
He goes for 3 days and comes back very tired and sunburnt.

We went to visit him at sunset beach on one of the days.
The sun never came out.

The boys loved seeing daddy.
This year was the first year that Jack realized that daddy wasnt home and he really missed it.
We had a few teary moments at night. Luckily, the first night we stayed at Uncle Bill and Aunt Kates and they had an eclair.
Jack got less sad when he saw the eclair.

Sunset beach has great big sand dunes that everyone loved to run down, and roll down.
I am still trying to get the sand out of their hair.
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