Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Halloween...sheesh, i forgot to post

Halloween, forgotten!
Scary boys!

We had a fun night out...and I just found these pix on my camera soooo

bonus Halloween pix!

We trick or treated in the Felton "flats" and, my gosh, these people are generous!

Seriously, all they got was chocolate...only one lolly pop, one licorice...no hard candy...
it was amazingly all the good snickers, milky ways, Reese's

We trick or treated with the neighbors...so 7 kids and 6 adults.
As it got darker it got harder to keep track of them all, but this year none were lost!

And a good night was had by all!
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Jen said...

awesome photos. We didn't have very many houses that were handing out candy so we had a lot of walking for not so much candy and the candy we got was the cheap stuff. I was bummed.

stacief said...

Come to our neighborhood next year!!!