Friday, March 9, 2012

Lake Chobot, take 5

I know, I know....bad blogger.
I have many excuses...boys have been sick, work is crazy, home is crazy and I have no time!
Maybe I should quit my job!
Anyway, so here we are once again at Lake Chabot.
We went up last weekend to spend some time with my dad and trish.
Notice Dad is not there...he decided to stay home and sleep...

He must have know that the fish were not biting (as usual)
but it was a BEAUTIFUL day!
Seriously, this has been the nicest winter ever!  I have even worn shorts!
(Sorry to all that have seen me in said short)

They boys had a great time running around and they found the one, lone, old fish under the dock that we fish on.  He was just hanging out, not hungry in the least.

It really is a bummer to not catch fish, but it couldn't be at a prettier spot!
So it was fun to hang out, minus dad, talk and eat Loren's breakfast sandwiches.

Jack tried to catch the fish under the dock, but just ended up getting his line tangled.
And then after fishing we went to the Jack London farmers more pix to come!
(mom, check my Facebook has pix of Luke's tball practice!)
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