Friday, September 16, 2011


Hi, I promise to be back later with more fun pictures, but these past few weeks have been kicking my butt!  And my computer doesn't want me to down load new pix till I get more memory...or something like that. I am STILL having ear problems but no time to get to a dr again.  Luke got his stitches out and is still as rambunctious as ever.  4 stitches certainly does not slow that kid down.  Jack is still liking Kindergarten, tho I am not loving the late arrival to work.  And working a bit at home, when I don't really have time too is challenging.  Loren leaves for his beach trip next week, but thankfully I am getting some extra family help to make it all happen.  UCSC has opened up for the Fall and it is a ginormous amount of cars and people not knowing where they are going messing up the people who do know where they are going.  I am happy that I do not have to work this weekend, like I did last weekend.  It is hard to keep all the balls in the air when I really just want to take a nap, (or play on my hp touchpad).  xoxo

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