Monday, April 25, 2011

Congrats in order.

We interrupt
our previously scheduled blog post to say congratulations to my "little" brother Jake and his new fiancee Diana!
She is a fabulous addition to our family!
Look how patiently she is explaining the small camera to Luke!

And showing the boys Angry Birds on her ipad!

And then there is Uncle Jake...tossing the boys around!

I am extremely happy for them and they are so good together!
And bonus...I get a sister!
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maggie said...

How wonderful! They look so cute in that Christmas photo! So she'll be your sister-in-law. (I had to google it to be sure.)

Gramma Glor said...

I am so happy for Jake and Diana. I am also happy for you, Stacie. You will be a really great "big sister" for Diana. You already are a super big sister for Jake.