Wednesday, February 16, 2011

WW: Science experiment

I found this idea on a blog and it said that it kept the kids entertained for a long time.
I must have done something wrong...

Baking soda, food coloring and vinegar...

It made a big mess, but I was prepared for it!
It was neat, but not that neat and lasted about 3 minutes...

Way too many dishes for 3 minutes...
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maggie said...

You know how bad I'm feeling, but this post made me laugh outloud (at least as loud as you can with laryngitis).

Kim said...

That is funny. The person that had kids entertained for a long time must have had older kids, because my kids would not have been entertained that long with it, either.
Duds happen. They happen a lot around here. At least you tried something new. :-)