Monday, February 28, 2011


 We went to the beach last weekend...since we couldn't go to Murphys, due to the fact that Murphys had  no power!  Power on is very important in this household!

Some one from Loren's work had to extra lacrosse sticks and gave them to the boys.
They had a fun time throwing  the ball and trying to catch it.

Shortly after these pictures were taken, Luke had a major melt down and got to spend the rest of our beach time in the car (with Loren).
Jack got to stay and dig in the sand and make a new friend!  It was fun.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

WW: my yoga mat

Underneath all the blankets, pillows and stuffed animals is my blue yoga mat.
The boys LOVE my yoga mat...I'm not sure why.
It's not like I actually do yoga on it (once upon a time I took a few classes with it)

They jump on it, race cars on it and are now pretending that it is nap time (fine with me!)
They argue about who is laying where and then read books...

Nighty night!
Sadly they didn't really go to sleep...a very short lived pretend sleep.

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Monday, February 21, 2011

My little bakers

Mondays used to be the day that Jack went to gymnastics with Uncle Bill and Luke stayed home with me to bake.
That has all changed...

Jack moved up to a new older class and is now going on Tuesdays after school.

So I now have two bakers on Mondays...not as easy of a thing to do.
We made double strawberry muffins which I would post a recipe for, but they were terrible!
Like strawberry hockey pucks - I actually threw most of them away.
Hopefully our next baking adventure is more tasty!
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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Jack's party

Here are a few shots of Jack's belated birthday party...
Last week was a rough one with Monnie's service and boys behaving badly...

The party, however, was a lot of fun!
Luke finally got to jump, jump, jump after so much time of watching Jack at gymnastics.

Jack got up the nerve to jump from the highest point in to the foam pit!

A good time was had by all!
And yesterday we went back for another birthday party...
It is a bit more fun for me when I'm not hosting it!
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

WW: Science experiment

I found this idea on a blog and it said that it kept the kids entertained for a long time.
I must have done something wrong...

Baking soda, food coloring and vinegar...

It made a big mess, but I was prepared for it!
It was neat, but not that neat and lasted about 3 minutes...

Way too many dishes for 3 minutes...
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011


The boys are so full of energy and they must dig in the cold sand
getting it under their nails, in their shoes, pockets and hair.
Every time I do laundry a ton comes out of the dryer!

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Magic tree house

Jack wants a magic tree house like the chapter books that we get at the library.

And, hopefully, someday we can make that happen...the tree house part, not the magic.
The magic must come from him!

Luke, however is content to bang on a fallen tree and
throw wood at the house (and get in trouble and have to come inside).

He would really rather be in the tree, but there is not enough room for two boys...
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

WW: Pacific ocean wild life

On the docks at the Moss Landing Marina checking out all the wildlife.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Boys on a boat

My work friend Jill has a boat that she doesn't know how to sail and
I have a husband who knows how to sail, but no boat in the water.
(the back yard doesn't count)

So we found the life jackets and took a field trip to the Moss Landing marina to check out the boat.

I was amazed how well the boys did...a year ago they wouldn't even get on a boat.
This time we had a hard time getting them off!

We are hoping to take her for a sail some day!
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Monday, February 7, 2011

Jack and the puzzle

Jack is growing so fast...
He is really good a puzzles!

Soon we will be on to the ones with 500 pieces!

Luke had no hand in putting the puzzle together, but he wanted his picture taken.
Jack now always wants me to take a pix of his puzzles.
Here is candy land!

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Thursday, February 3, 2011


I lost my dear sweet Grandma yesterday.
It was peaceful and fairly quick.
She'd been going down hill for the last few years so it is a blessing that she can be in heaven with her 2 husbands (imagine when granddaddy meets Emory it might be a bit funny!)
Monnie and I were very close and I am lucky to have had such a wonderful, warm and loving grandma.
Many times in my life, she was my rock.
I will miss you, Monnie, but I am very thankful for the 42 years that we had together. 
I have many good memories!

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

WW: silly boys

I am learning that boys have their own humor..
especially when it comes to the expelling of air out of the body...
a "real" burp puts Luke in hysterics...

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