Sunday, January 30, 2011

Luke and the skate board

Not to be out done by Jack...Luke, too, must skate board...

He is pretty good too and thankfully doesn't go very fast.
(I prefer when he puts on all of his pads - knee, elbow, hand - for his boarding time)

He likes to stand on the board and do jumps rather then do them while it is moving...
and then he gets bored and moves back to his bike or scooter.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Jack and the skateboard

This is Jacks latest passion.

He loves to skateboard and

so far he is pretty good for a 5 year old.
He hasnt fallen off yet!
( I hope he keeps that up!)

He watches the bigger boys with longing eyes for real skateboard tricks!

I usually can't watch this...afraid he is gonna wipe out!
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday

Here he is in all of his 5 year old glory!
He had a fun day celebrating with Nonna, Poppy and Leode.
The out for pizza with mom, dad, Luke and Gpa Dick!
Home for presents and cake!
What more could a 5 year old ask for!
(apparently he wants a bigger skateboard...that is what he wished for before he blew out his candles...)
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

WW: Happy birthday Jack

I can not get blogger to take more then 4 pix, so this is all you get..
Jack just born. What a forehead!

Jack at 2.5 (I didn't get a camera till Jack was 3 so I don't have many early pix of him)

Jacks 3rd

Jacks 4th!
I had a cute almost 5 picture, but for the life of me I can not get it to post....

Happy Birthday to my sweet January boy!
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Monday, January 24, 2011

Practicing skateboard tricks!

Once again...I forgot my camera for most of the weekend...
Today, I even went to gymnastics with Jack for "parent day".
Thankfully, it was not captured on camera or video because I am less then graceful.
It was pretty fun, tho, and a good work out.
I couldn't get over my fears to do a seat drop on the big trampoline...all I could really do was jump and spin.
(A seat drop is where you kick your legs out straight in front of you and bounce on your butt before standing up again...way scary)

Here the boys are practicing their skate board tricks before hitting the street - with helmets -
Luckily, they are not as adventurous on the boards as they are on the ground!

Luke is doing his best "skateboard rider" face.
We went to watch the boarders at the park today and it was a blast!
I just wish that they would all wear helmets as to not be a bad example for little groms!
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Friday, January 21, 2011

Little tiger

Luke getting a lesson from daddy with the real clubs.
He is quite good!

Luke has broken all of the plastic clubs by beating them on the ground.
I am hoping he doesn't do that with these clubs as they can do much more damage.

He occasionally forgets that he is playing golf and one hands the ball with all his might!
(we use plastic balls as to not take out any windows or ding any cars!)
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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tiny clubs

After much rain and Wii golf...we are now able to play golf outside!

With a saw and other tools, Loren set out to turn my mom's old clubs into Luke's new club.
Jack's new club is soon to come.  
(Jack would rather stay inside anyway)

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

WW: airplanes

Decorated and full of rainy day fun!

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Sunday, January 16, 2011


Well, I haven't been feeling very bloggie lately.
I forget my camera or we just aren't doing anything new.
Just trying to keep the boys active and fed, work and sleep, then do it again the next day.
We went to the wharf last weekend (I forgot my camera) and it was a beautiful day and the sea lions were plenty.
(Luke doesn't like the sea lions...he says they are too loud. He is a pretty fearless kid, so it is surprising that he is so afraid of spiders, dark, thunder, loud animals, I'm realizing that he is only afraid of things that he can not control. He is fine climbing the tallest part of the play ground, flinging himself off a high ledge, whacking Jack, but spiders no way)
Anyway, I may be posting less on the blog, waiting for inspiration ...
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Thursday, January 13, 2011


As season ticket holders to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, we try to go once every few months.
And we went on a beautiful day on our holiday break in Dec.

Let me just tell you that visiting the world renowned aquarium between xmas and new years eve... 
is not a very good idea.
It was super duper crowded!
So, we had a short visit, but it was still a lot of fun!
(I was told that the best time to visit the aquarium is the week before Christmas, but we couldn't swing it)

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

WW: rain day

Luke likes the cool look with his sunglasses on...

Jack just wants to splash in puddles!

Happy (mostly) Wordless Wednesday!
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Puppet fun on a sunday

It was way to cold to go outside - a chilly 29 in the morning and heated up around noon to 40 something...
Not typical California weather.
The boys were going crazy and we can only play so much wii...
(that is an understatement, Loren can play wii all day long and be just fine, but Im trying to limit the boys from tv all day!)

So a puppet show was in order.

It lasted all of about 4 minutes because the boys didnt really get the idea of a show,
but it was pretty cute and the puppets spend a lot of time asking us how we were doing.

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