Monday, August 9, 2010

Garden update

I have zucchini coming out of my ears...seriously, I am giving zucchini to everyone
and I only planted one plant.
Last week we ate zucchini fries, zucchini soup, grilled zucchini, zucchini bread and zucchini hamburger pie.
(Luke ate up all the zucchini hamburger pie because I called it pie!)
Today Luke and I made PW recommended zucchini pineapple cake.
We did it with less sugar, no coconut, half the pineapple and no is yummy!!

Anyone have any more zucchini recipes?
Or maybe tomatoes?

We are going to have a ton of tomatoes if the sun will ever stay out long enough to turn them red!

Alas, the jalapenos and other peppers are not doing so well.
I blame it on the lack of summer weather!
We are ready to light the pilot light for the heater and I am wearing my UGG's it is so cold!
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1 comment:

Gramma Glor said...

What a thrill to see your garden doing so well. I too have lots of toms but not anywhere near ripe. I just hope they turn before frost comes in mid sept.