Guess who learned how to ride a bike with NO training wheels!
And, guess who got a good work out and is happy that he doesnt have to run after Jack anymore!
It took a week or so, but he did a great job and with no major crashes so far.
First he mastered going in a straight line, then turning (that one took awhile) and then starting up the bike with no help.
We are very proud of the big guy...
Luke is not longling looking forward to the day that he can ride a bike...
he is still on the tricycle.
That is quite a feat for a guy who's only 4 years and 2 months old! Both the boys look like they're going to be good atheletes!
Grandpa says: Look at that little guy go. Yahoo!! We are sooo proud of you, Jack.
Love and Hugs
certainly didnt get it from me!
Hey Jack, you sure put your Uncle Jake to shame. It took him forever to ride a 2 wheeler without training wheels. Great Job.
Love Ya
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