Friday, January 1, 2010

Leaping into 2010

These boys like to jump!

Hoping that 2010 is uneventful, and has no trips to the ER with these husband included!

Starting out the year with mold and house far not the best start, but now we know
what Loren might be allergic to and hopefully we can get it fixed.

We just have to have faith and leap on...
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Jake said...

haha my high flying nephews

Diana said...

Got to luv the mid air pictures!! So much action =)

Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) said...

WOW -- look at them go! :)

My Liv likes to do that too. So scary!

THANK YOU for your prayers for my Liv!

grandma knabb said...

Great action shots. I just hope that they continue to land on the intended target. Stay safe and have a great new year.

theluckyone said...

Happy New Year Fontinells!
Sorry we couldn't see you.
Please keep up the posts. I don't always comment, but it is a great way to watch the boys grow up.