Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fun before the rain

I have been trying to post more the 4 pictures in a post and not having much luck...Im trying again so we'll see how this turns out.

Today we got a late start, but headed out to Monterey Bay Aquarium to see the hammer head sharks and divers.  Thankfully is wasn't too crowded!  Our favorite thing to see is the outer bay exhibit with the giant tunas, great white sharks and the beloved hammer heads.  We also saw the jelly fish, penguins and otters.  We got a lot in in a short amount of time!

Now we are waiting for the rain that the meteorologist has promised...


Anonymous said...

Cool pics. Luke looks like he is hatching out of the egg and Jack looks like he is swiming with the fishes. Seems all were having fun.
Love, Trish

Jake said...

fav is the silhouette with teh school of fish

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there with you guys. Loves J.

Gramma Glor said...

What incredible pics. It looks like you had a fantastic time. We will have to make a point of going next time we visit. The picture on the couch with Jack's adorable smile is really a winner.