Thursday, December 3, 2009

LIghts, camera, action

My husband is the most awesomeness at putting up christmas lights.

Luke thought that he would help out too...on the bbq

Seriously, if you see our house at night it is the brightest house on the block and now our neighbors are trying too keep up....
Well except for the house on the corner. We did hear a train coming from their house, but we have yet to see it.
Our house wins for pure lights!

I find it impossible to take a good night picture, so you all must drive by our house to get the full effect.
Loren gets all the credit!
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Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the LIGHTS!
I bet Gloria and Ron are going to be impressed!
Good job to the guy on the roof!


Cate O'Malley said...

Love Christmas lights! Convinced our electrician to put up ours last week. :)