Saturday, December 26, 2009

Last Christmas post...

If I could ever figure out a way to post more then 4 pictures, easily, I would just have one
xmas post...but since I can not I have broken it down to 3 posts...
Boys enjoying the new easel!

Luke entertaining Monnie and Mom.

Jack eyeing the deserts!
Everything was delish!

Uncle Bill got a fun helicopter that all the big boys played with!
Luke turned out to be really good at "catching" it!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a Wii too. Doug got it for me but I think he got it because he wanted it. I loved seeing Monnie in one of the pics. That's great that she is doing well enought to join you for Christmas. I can't believe you got Luke a skateboard, aren't you terrified that he'll break his brains? I'm sure he has the protective wear but you might want to consider wrapping him in bubble wrap for good measure. Love you guys. J