Tuesday, December 29, 2009

End of Dec in the SC

The nice thing about Santa Cruz is that every season is pretty.
Well, except for the rain, but even the rain can be pretty.

We took a trip to Capitola, and luckily it did not rain.
My FIL looks freezing, but he is from Spokane and shouldnt be so cold!
It made it up to 58 today!

It is always a good time to play in the sand, whether it is 80 degrees or 50.
(sometimes in the summer it is 50 degrees!)

We played till Luke decided that he had to eat the sand...again...
I am very much looking forward to him growing out of the sand/dirt/xmas light ball eating stage!
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Foodiewife said...

How fun to see your photos of my brother's hometown. We ate at Stagnaro's today. I had fresh grilled Ono with veggies, which was very good. Later we had dessert and coffee at Gayle's. My brother lives off Opal Cliff Drive...just a short walk to Capitola. His photos of Santa Cruz are gallery quality.
I'm not an expert in dining in Santa Cruz. I always trust my brother to pick the places where we eat.
Nice to meet you!

stacief said...

Thanks, Debby! We do like Stags too! I love the clam chowder! I used to live in Soquel and now am out in the sticks in Felton!