Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sunday in the park

We haven't gone for a walk in the park not sure why we haven't,
so we headed over on Sunday

It was cold in the forest!
It is nice to get the boys out to run, run, run.
They love to find the numbers on the redwood loop.

We even encountered a banana slug on the path and the boys loved touching it
(if we had girls, I bet anything that they wouldn't want to touch the banana slug)

And sticks...boys have quite the fascination with sticks.
It is not a good walk if they don't come home with out a stick.
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Anonymous said...

seriously, boys are obsessed with sticks...Hell Billy still is :-) J.

Gramma Glor said...

Just think. If you had a girl too, the boys could pick up the slug and chase her with it.

Also. My friends who have little girls in their family say: Don't bet on it they are fascinated with that stuff too.