Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More cars

Today I was picking up some of the 8 thousand toys that we have so that I could vacuum...
I am amazed at the amount of cars, trucks and tractors we have.
It is like they multiply at night and move around the room.
I can put them all away, leave the room, come back in and find 4 more where I just cleaned.
They are even all over the walls...
Jack tells them that he loves them before he goes to sleep.

The boys just LOVE them! I wonder if it is the same with girls...
Why is it that boys love them so much and girls like dolls?
I don't think I played with cars when I was a kid and really they are pretty fun.
The boys scoot along on the floor with the cars making lots of car noises.

And, trucks are so fun to fill up with legos and transport them to other rooms in the house.

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