Wednesday, January 28, 2009

bye, bye plastic

Well, for one of my new years hopes, I had wanted to use less plastic bags... so a few weeks ago I took the plunge and bought reuseable shopping bags from safeway. They are great! I do wish that they were a bit taller to hold more stuff. I think that Trader Joes may have better bags so I will look into getting a few more there. It is so much easier to unpack the car just having to lift the bags over my shoulder. They hold more groceries more safely then plastic bags. I hated it when the plastic bags would rip and out would crash the jam all over the floor.

On a side note, Jack had a little too much birthday fun and now seems to have a cold...


Gramma Glor said...

I too have several bags from a couple of different stores. However, I always forget I have them in the car until i am at the ceckout. My goal is to try to remember to take them with me into the store. They are even handy when i go to Costco. By the way they also sell reusable bags that are larger an pretty sturdy.

On a different note, how did Luke take to Jack having a party and getting gifts.

stacief said...

So far I havent forgotten them...but I have a feeling I will sometimes too! I will have to look for the costco ones.

Luke did really good! With so many people here he didnt even care that Jack was opening presents.

Anonymous said...

Hey Stacie, I will try to bring you a couple of Marshall's reusable bags, they are kind of tall and hold a lot. Unfortuanately I only remember them about 1/2 of the time. And yes I keep them in the car. Your Dad tries to use them as well, I think he is only at 1/3 of the time. But I think we are getting better. Hope all are feeling better.

stacief said...

That is certainly better then nothing! And I would love to try the Marshall bags. I did end up buying more Safeway ones... but we use tons....and they are hard to remember!