Tuesday, August 19, 2008

post number one

My husband wanted me to start blogging so that he could retire. Someone told him about Dooce. I don't see that happening for us, but I would like to start writing about by kids and cooking and how hard it can be to a parent and how rewarding it can be to be a parent.

Right now L is sleeping in his stroller out side. I'd like to take a shower, but Im afraid I'll wake him if I bring him inside and if he does wake up I won't get that shower anyway because he gets in to everything.

J is at pre school. It is his 3rd time. So far it is not going so well, but at least I havent had to pick him up early like last time when he threw up twice. I am really torn about him going to preschool. I think he will really like it and it will be good for him to socialize with other kids, but it is just killing us with all of his crying and fits.

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