Friday, August 29, 2008

This week has gone by pretty fast. Jack went to school only one day as they are closed for teacher work days. He seemed to do a smig better. The drop off was bad and I could hear him crying on the playground as i walked out the front door. I had Luke with me so it was extra hard. When I picked him up he was not crying (tho he had a tissue next to him and he was clutching bear in his lap. He said he had a good time, but doesnt want to come back.

Luke has been waking up extra early at 530am and not going back to sleep. Ugh! He sucks down a bottle (of which we will need to be weaning him from soon) and then cries, but no sleep. I know he is tired, but he wont go to sleep.

Labor day weekend, and we have no plans...looks like the heat will be going down soon. L said it was 107 yesterday over the hill at 4pm!

Monday, August 25, 2008

August 23rd

We had a nice, low key birthday party for Luke on Saturday at his Nonnie's house. We had cheese pie, salads and cake with home make ice cream. It is hard to believe that he is one already.

It has been quite the year of challenges. We bought the house, added on, I went back to work part time, discovered 2 kids is really hard, luke is a really, really bad sleeper, L ended up in the ER, the mountain caught fire, we (L) re did the back house, and now we are having a hard time with Jack in school. And Monnie fell down and will probably need to go to assisted living. Did I mention how hard it is having 2 kids who cant quite play together. Luckily Jack and Luke really seem to love eachother. Now they are sharing a room and a bed time and they laugh and giggle before going to sleep (or one of us coming in and saying "go to sleep now!!"

luke bday

Cake comatose
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And here he is on his first birthday!
What a sweetie
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Here is my baby boy just born...
except that the pix disappeared...proving that i just do not get it so I am adding another pix I like, obviously not just born

Friday, August 22, 2008

Jack's first day of school

Jack off to preschool.
As soon as we got to school, he said "go home now"
(This should go along with my first post, but I am new at this and didnt know how to add it to the right spot)
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I took Jack to preschool this morning...Thanks to Jill for letting me come in a little late!

From the second he woke up he was all about staying in bed. No go school, no go school. We got him up and dressed and just a little cereal ( I was worried about him eating too much and puking again) We watched a little Bob and that seemed to calm him down. He is really doesnt like much tv, but he is a fan of Bob the Builder. Tne we had a tissue routine where I he would request a "isue" and i would hand him a tissue, he would briefly wipe his nose and had it back to me for the "ga man" (garbage man), then he would request another tissue. I tried to get him to put a tissue in is pocket, but no would do. He like me getting them out of my pocket tho. This went on every second in the car until we got to preschool. I was able to hang out with him for a bit in the backyard and kids started coming over. One little cute 2 year old girl proudly told me "mommy and daddy work" which is exactly what Jack said in the car "mommy no go work". Then I kissed him and left. He was crying, but not hysterical so I think that is progress.

Still breaks my heart and I cry in the car.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

emotional Jack

Well, Jack did somewhat better at preschool. He only puked once... He is so emotional now about everything. I took Luke for a walk yesterday and Jack wouldnt put on his shoes to come with us so we went with out him (after me waiting for quite some time for him to get his shoes and not throw them about the room) L said that he freaked out when we left and had a major tantrum that he didnt go with us. When we got back I took them both out for another walk (it was a really nice night and we had plenty of time to kill till bed time)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

post number one

My husband wanted me to start blogging so that he could retire. Someone told him about Dooce. I don't see that happening for us, but I would like to start writing about by kids and cooking and how hard it can be to a parent and how rewarding it can be to be a parent.

Right now L is sleeping in his stroller out side. I'd like to take a shower, but Im afraid I'll wake him if I bring him inside and if he does wake up I won't get that shower anyway because he gets in to everything.

J is at pre school. It is his 3rd time. So far it is not going so well, but at least I havent had to pick him up early like last time when he threw up twice. I am really torn about him going to preschool. I think he will really like it and it will be good for him to socialize with other kids, but it is just killing us with all of his crying and fits.