Friday, December 30, 2011

Back to the butterflies

We have been having some wonderful weather.

My in laws had been visiting for the holiday and sadly went home today,
but I have lots of pictures of things we did.

We took them to Natural Bridges State park to see the Monarchs.
I knew my Mom in law would love to see them!

There were more then when Jack and I went on his field trip!
Notice ole scar face, Luke.
He had a run in with a fig tree (or so he says).

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and then there was Christmas

It was like santa's sleigh exploded in our living room...again!

The most powerful beyblades and more light sabors...along with water guns and many things I still haven't uncovered.

Then we went to my mom's for a lovely brunch!

and dueling pianos!

More presents!

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

xmas eve

So, lately I have been a terrible blogger....
we have been so busy and i keep forgetting my camera.
I will try to make it up to you!
This is xmas eve!
The boys are making "snow" and  I am trying not to freak out because of the mess!

This is our well decorated house and we did get a visit this xmas eve from Santa on a fire truck!

Jack went on top of the fire truck and Luke was surprisingly afraid.

We always spend xmas eve with my in laws, my Dad, Trish, Jake and Diana. 
Good times and good food!

I must say that these boys are spoiled to death!


It was crazy with toys even before Santa arrived!

Dad with his video and rum and coke in a wine glass!
and the boys playing games along with the beloved light sabors!

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Ginger bread house

We picked up this gingerbread house a week or so ago...and I was asked many times per day...when are we going to make it!  Finally we did!

They took the job of decorating very seriously!
As well as seeing how many candies they could get in their mouths!

Now all they want to do is eat it!  (And it really doesn't taste all that great)
I added candy corn to it because we have a lot left over from Halloween,
not very xmasy, but quite tasty!

It doesnt look all that great either, but it was fun to do!
I do need to work on my gingerbread decorating skills!

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

WW: Christmas tree hunting

It is fun to go out as a family and hunt down our tree.
A tradition that started last year.
Loren had pretty much been opposed to the cutting of trees for decorative purposes...but the kids have cured him of that!

It was a beautiful day and I like to think we are helping the local economy at Crest Christmas tree farm

We hunted high and low and finally chose a tree that I promptly thought was too small...but what do you do with an already cut tree but take it home.

Loren put it up on cinder blocks and my grandma's tree skirt hides them.
Now the boys can have a train under the tree!

This ALWAYS reminds me of the last year we did this as a family when I was a teenager...
Found the perfect tree, put it on top of Neal's mustang, headed out on 17...
It got loose, fell off and got run over by a semi truck...
They went out and bought one a Longs or some lot that night, 
and we never cut down a tree after that!

Luckily, we have a van, so the tree is safely inside!

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Water beads

Water beads are cool but not aqua dots as I had previously thought they were.
Apparently aqua dots have something in them that cause seizures in children!!!!!

So we are all about the water beads.

You can get them at any craft store and they are little teeny, tiny dots,
but when you put them in water...and wait 4 hours.

They start to change!

And grow, and get bouncy and gooshy!

See how they are getting bigger!

They feel really neat! - soft and rubbery.  They are a polymer, if you know what that is (i have no clue).

I found this idea on a mommy blog and wish I could link to it, but I can't remember which one it was.
Here is a link to the water beads in action

They are only a problem when they tip over and roll EVERYWHERE!

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My how time flies!

I tried to get the boys to reenact this picture, but it didn't go so well.
Now they are hams!

And do not like to be posed!

These are from Thanksgiving at my Dad's house.

While I did not get a black Friday laptop, (black Friday seemed way over rated this year with hardly any good deals) Loren finally found me a suitable new one so I am back in the blogging world.

Now I just need more time!  Our power was out for 3 days due to the high winds, my building at work was occupied for 2 days, the holidays are coming and cookies need to be made and presents found. Hard to find a spare moment!
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