Monday, October 31, 2011

happy Halloween!

This is Jack's gymnastics class

And then his classroom

And the school parade...

We are very into halloween this year and we havent' even gone trick or treating yet!

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

More pumpkin cutting

Jack helped Gma Trish cut the pumpkin.

And he pulled out the lid...but that was the extend of his touching the inside!
These pumkins had lots of seed so we had lots of yummy roasted pumkin seeds!

Here is daddy carving it under Luke's watchful eye.

And then we have carved pumpkins
(which sadly didn't last...they are all moldy and yucky on the deck right now!)

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Luke and the pumpkin

We brought our pumpkins to my dad's last week for carving!
Gma trish came over to help.

Luke was super excited about getting his hands dirty to pull out the slime!
Jack was not...
It was an improvement from last year when Luke refused to do it.
Im not sure that Jack will ever scoop out a pumpkin (he'll hire someone!)

Luke helped me get all the seeds out!  Yummy!

Somehow I got the job of being the official pumpkin cleaner outer...not my fave job.
More carving pix later!  
My wonderful husband got the modem up and running!

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lack of posts

Well, we have run in to a problem with our now that I have a bunch of new pix to share..I can not access the internet at home.  After much time with Loren on the phone to AT&T, they are sending us a free replacement.  So hope to be in business by the end of the week! 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Here fishy fishy

This is the most ugly, crazy looking fish in the whole world!
It is a sunfish.

Anyone who really know me, knows that I am petrified of fish,
and have to say that this sunfish really freaks me out!

But I really do like the school of sardines!
(and Loren wants to eat them!)

The Monterey Bay Aquarium recently acquired its 6th great while..
I tried to get a pix of it, but he pretty much stayed on the top of the tank!

Crazy sardines!

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Sunday, October 16, 2011


Any guesses where we went to day?!
We hadn't been in awhile so it was great to go!

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Boys and the peanuts

Great America is all about Snoopy and the peanuts characters now.

We happened upon this just in time for pictures and candy.

The characters were doing trick or treats.
Really they would have nothing to do with it until they discovered that they could get candy out of it!
And good for us that once they ate one piece and I put the rest in the back pack...they forgot about it!

This was the coolest Snoopy ever!
He was done doing photo ops when we go there, but made an exception for the boys.
He also high fived all of us, grown ups included.
Thanks, Snoopy!
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

WW: the swing

I'll be honest, I really, really wanted to go on this ride.
I had to have a kid go with me and Luke was too short (he wanted to go)
and Jack was tall enough, but didn't want to go.
Thankfully, my wonderful husband talked him into it!

We both loved it!

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Monday, October 10, 2011

JDRF walk a thon

Yesterday we had a perfect day!
We did the Juvenile diabetes walk a thon in the morning with Trish,
and then spent the day in Great America,
and then had dinner with Bill and Kate.

Great America was all decked out for Halloween!

Here we are at the start of the 1.5 mile walk around the park.
The boys did great with the walk tho it took Luke a bit to warm up.
Way to many people for him!

He didn't even want any breakfast or sword balloon!

Took awile for the clouds to lift!
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