Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cant wait for summer

I bought some flowers to plant last week and with all this rain only got to plant one of them.
I want to have to the boys "help" me. Hopefully this year we can have a garden again -
and maybe it will be more successful then last years...deer debacle.
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Friday, February 26, 2010

What a difference a minute makes

Here we are trying to get a nice family picture and jack was upset that I took his hat off.
What lovely red socks he is wearing...I think he wore them for 3 days!
(i suppose that is my fault)

Here he is with his hat and smiling again.
This is from our Murphy trip, cuz the weather is not so great right now here while it was sunny in Murphys.
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Sorry, I just havent felt very bloggie lately.

The boys have been sick off and on and I am the one they must lay on all day in order to heal so I can not get anything done.  Then Loren got sick..

Luke is going thought a defiant, stubborn stage.  He doesnt listen, hits Jack and spends a lot of time in time outs...sadly they do not seem to bother him.  Last week before bed he stood on top of his crib, opened the window, knocked out the screen and proceeded to lean out the window (it is a pretty far drop to the ground.) This was the 2nd time he did this in a few weeks. Needless to say the boys were late to bed because Loren had to take apart the crib and put the mattress on the floor so that Luke wont try to fly. He does have his cute and cuddly moments, but I am hoping that this latest 2 year old stage will pass quickly.

Jack is done with speech therapy!  He still hates school and will not use the potty there.  He doesnt want to go to a different school, tho.  Our pediatrician  has never heard of a kid holding it all day long at school, yet potty trained everywhere else.  Hopefully he will grow out of it, but this has been going on for 6 months...he is such a creature of habit.  Jacks latest thing is exaggerating everything and quite a bit of crying.  Jack is getting better at monster truck wii even thought Luke took 2 big hunks out of  the steering wheel.

I am hoping for a mellow weekend...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


It was time for Jack's bi annual haircut.
That boy's hair does not grow!
He didnt want to cut off his curlies, but they were starting to look like wings.

Loren cut his hair in his pjs (jack's!) and then had to literally vaccum him up to get all the hair off.
Loren sure does a good job with the hair cuts -
maybe a back up career for him if he gets laid off!

This is the next little monster that needs a trim!
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Friday, February 19, 2010


Jack loves to look at water, as well as point out any water he finds in his travels.
We get to see a lot of water.

He will not, however, go anywhere near the water.
Doesnt want to go in the ocean or put his feet in the water.
Sometimes it is hard to get him to take a bath! (just kidding)

Throwing things in the water is pretty fun too.

He seemed a little leary of this river, but liked to look at it a lot!
If we go up to Murphys this summer, im going to try to get him in it!
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Park in Murphys

Jack took it upon himself to walk across this "bridge".  It is pretty high up, but we are trying to boost his confidence so I let him go it by himself (knowing that he could easily do it). 
He was a little worried the first time, but then did it 10 more times.

Luke, of course, had to follow him.  I was much more worried about him falling.
He tended to get distracted and forget to look at his feet..
But he did it too, with me spotting him, as often as Jack did.
This is a fun park in Murphy's and it is right next to a river which is great in the summer when it is sooo hot.
You get to river walk and cool down!
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

fun in the snow

We made our annual pilgrimage up to Murphys to Uncle Bill and Auntie Kates house.  Sadly, Aunt Kate couldnt make it this year, but we still had a great time.  It was very warm so this year we had to drive to Arnold to get to the snow.  It was a little sketchy when we first got there and the boys had no interest in sledding and I had to carry Luke or he thought that he couldnt walk in the snow, but after about 10 minutes they really warmed up to it!  They even sledded together!  Maybe next year they can take skiing lessons.

Unfortunately, after we got back to the house Luke took a turn for the worse.  He started acting very strange, needy, and screaming.  He ran around the house holding his head and covering his eyes.  It was pretty scary, so we took him to Urgent Care in Arnold and the dr diagnosed an ear infection.  He seems much better now.  Tho he is scared to sleep here so he has ended up in our bed every night.  Since taking away his pacifier, he has been waking up around 5:30am...ugh.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A rare, calm moment

Here the boys are sitting on an old school desk that I have had since I was a kid.
Sitting, rather quietly, together...

A moment that had to be captured by the camera, as they do not come by too often.

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Lukes lastest

Luke has taken to walking around in circles to get dizzy.

What a "fun" and "non dangerous" activity (insert sarcasm) ..
The hardwood floors, walls, chairs all hurt when you hit them.
But he loves it and you certainly can not tell Luke what to do,
with out a big fight...and I am trying to pick my battles.

Anyway, i feel like i too am running around in circles and
bumping my head into walls, so it is kinda fitting.
Wish mine were a little more care free, like Lukes.
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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rain = worms

With all of the wet weather we have been having, there is a plethera of worms
and the boys are thrilled.

Jack went about finding his own worm family and kept them in his wheel barrow of dirt.

finally, no rain, but we have had lots of fires at night!

Jack likes to dig in the dirt, but hates to have be "too" dirty.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010