Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Hello

Luke wants to wish everyone a very happy Wednesday, with his chubby and dirty cheeks!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

summer in the SC

We had a GREAT time celebrating Maria's birthday....a little too much of a good time!
We had the whole weekend with out the boys and had a fabulous time.

Sushi, good friends and a beautiful day!

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Monday, July 27, 2009


Here we are at the morgan hill thousand trails campsite.
Us and 50 of our closest neighbors. They really like to pack the tent campers close.
Dad and Trish got a great site this year! It was big enough for 2 tents and lots of room for the boys to play.

This year it was a very pleasant 75-80 degrees which is great for this area. It can be very, very hot.
We also took the boys to the big pool....where they clung to us.
Jack like to talk about the big pool, but doenst want to go in it again.

We were at the campsite less then 24 hours, but we had more stuff packed in the van then our trip to spokane!

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Garlic Fest

We had a whirl wind weekend....and are now recoving.
It started out at the Gilroy Garlic Festival....I think this may have been my 17th garlic fest...and possibly my last.
It is waaaaay too expensive. But is is fun.

I waited in line for 20 minutes to get stuffed mushrooms. It was the only line in the place.

The boys had a great time in the jump house. (at long last we finally got Jack to go in to the bounce house. He followed Luke who had no problems bouncing away.

Jack does like the airplane ride!
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Boy, come back from vacation and there is no time to blog! I went back to work and am pretty much slammed with a ton of work and more coming in. It is heading in to one of our busy times with the new students. We are having all sorts of budget updates now that California passed its is all very scary and I am not totally sure how it will be affecting me. I think I will be permanent part time, or else having to take time off (furloughs) in September? I am hoping for the part time.

Trish and I went to an AWESOME concert on tuesday. The Donna's (local band) Blondie and Pat Benatar. It was sooooooo much fun. Neither of us have had a girls night out in years....literally, years, and it was great! Good music, good company, great night!

We are packing up to head out to the Gilroy Garlic Festival (who needs to work?) tomorrow. It is sort of an annual family thing. We (me, dad, trish) have been going to it since before Jake was born and now we are bringing along my guys. Hopefully, i'll have more pix then!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Random pix from the last 2 days

Jack looking for a swinging partner at Jennies house

Who can ignore this face...tho is is a little messy (pizza is yummy)

Jack actually playing with the day care kids...that is until Dean decides to take it all over and the kids scram.

Still trying for the elusive cute brothers pix. This one is not bad!
Jack really needs a hair cut bad!
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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Almost home sweet home...

Well we made it to my dads house last night... It was very sad to leave grandma and grandpa honeys house! We all had such a great time and really enjoyed everything.

The trip to Jennies in Eugene was great. We left at 6am ish and made it to her house by 4:30. The boys were very well behaved - at least as well as you can be for being locked up in the car for so long. We played with Jennie and her daycare kids and had a good ole time. It is much hotter this time around. It was 96 in Eugene when we got there. We stopped at a water park on the way down and it was lots of fun for the boys to run in the water.

The second leg of the trip didnt go quiet as well. We got a later start at lunch time but it turned out to just make the day go much longer. I had thought that if the boys played all morning and then had a car picnic and nap it would work out better...and it did until 4 and we were still in Oregon...It was a very long day and super hot. At one point it was 112 somewhere in northern cal...we ended up at a rest stop cuz we had to get out of the car and it was 105. Everyone is crabby when it is so hot and tired. Today we are kicking it at my dads and getting ready to head out for home after dinner. All in all a very successful trip! Just wish we could have transporters or something....

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wordless wednesday - take time to smell the roses

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a few more shots at the park

Jack all wet.

Water in the air

These geese are vicious!

Bye spokane! We had a lot of fun!
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Last day

So we end our visit to the grandparents at the same place we came on the first day...the riverfront park.
This time we mean business tho and Jack spent a lot of time in the water.

Luke, not so much.
He prefered his snack and holding my hand while we tried out the water.
He was over it pretty quickly.

It really is a neat water park and lots of daycares bring their kids down to play.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Washing the car

It really does look like Luke is helping wash the car....well, he is not, according to "daddy"
He tends to drop the sponge in the dirt and then continue washing the car. Apparently, that
does scratch the paint job.
Luke is quickly banish from the car, as much as he really does like "helping"

Loren is getting the car ready for the loooonnnnggg ride home which is rapidly approaching
(even if we dont like to think about it).

Jack washed for awhile and then wanted to break out the sidewalk chalk.
I HATE chalk with a passion... touching it, feeling it, anything to do with chalk just makes me cringe.
I wasnt real thrilled he wanted to play with the chalk.
Looks pretty tho!
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Monday, July 13, 2009

First thunderstorm

Yesterday was a perfect day of sunshine...till about 4ish...then the clouds rolled in.
We had lots of thunder and later rain with just a touch of lightning.
It was really cool!

Jack was not so impressed with the noise. He sat on daddy's lap and Luke sat on grandpa.
Overall they did pretty good with it. Luke is a freak about strange sounds, and he didnt seem too worried.

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Rock in roll

Yesterday Jack learned how to roll down a hill.
He LOVED it.
He caught on really quick and had a blast.
Lukie tried, but didnt quite master the fact that he was supposed to go down the hill and not sideways.

This inclded a good game of chase too!

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Air force base

While I went out for a lovely day of shopping, eating and pedicuring with the girls (of which there is no photographic evidence)
the boys went to the air force base to see the big planes.
Of course, there were sprinklers running the whole time so that they couldn't touch everything.

I just love how Jack crosses his hands in the back when he looks at things some times.
They had a great time and found a new play structure at the bowling alley on base.

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